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Watch Out for These 4 Common Tenant Scams in Atlanta

Man and woman shaking hands with another woman

Common Tenant Scams in Atlanta

Our modern world has created many technological advancements. When it comes to running scams, however, these tools can be used to fool even the savviest property owner. These are four of the most frequently used techniques that fraudulent tenants in the Atlanta area may use to steal money, leaving well-intentioned landlords with empty pockets and empty rental properties. Knowledge is the best line of defense, read below to find out what you should be looking out for when your house is placed on the market.

Fake Pay Stubs

It is unfortunately easy for dishonest renters to print their own pay stubs. They can buy them for less than $5 online, and some sites even allow people to fill in their own information and print for free. Not only can these generators produce very convincing check stubs, but W-2 and 1099 tax forms as well. To the untrained eye, these documents can easily pass as proof of employment, even though the tenant may be unemployed or unable to produce the income needed to pay rent on time every month. When asking for renter’s employment information, be sure to ask for references and make phone calls if necessary.

Rent Free

Some property owners who don’t have proper tenant screenings in place can fall for serial squatters who lease a home without ever intending to pay their rent. The expectation is that it will take at least a few months before they are formally evicted from the house, giving them enough time to live in the unit for free while they look for their next victim. You may assume that someone who has repeatedly been evicted due to nonpayment would have a bad credit score, but that isn’t necessarily true. It’s important that you run a thorough background check that includes criminal history, references and proof of income.

Wiring Money

Another popular scam is one where the tenant, who is conveniently overseas on a business trip, will send you a check in the mail for the security deposit and first month’s rent. However, when they write the check, they will “accidentally” write it for a significant amount over the required price and then demand that you wire them the difference immediately. After you’ve sent the money, you try to cash the check and it doesn’t clear, leaving you with a thousand-dollar loss. The best way to avoid this con is to have an electronic payment portal online where a prospective tenant can make payments with a debit card, credit card or electronic bank transfer.

Fraudulent Subletting

Criminals may rent the apartment or house from you, and then find their own tenants to move in. After making three or four on-time payments, they get away with collecting a few checks from the occupants for before the property owner discovers what’s happening. They have a few extra grand in their bank account, and you are left with angry and confused renters that may refuse to stay.

Avoid Rental Scams by Calling the Professional Property Managers at DKRentals.net

These kinds of tactics are used all the time, and if you discover that you’ve been had by some rental scams you certainly aren’t alone. It is important however to never make the same mistake again. By putting proper systems in place, and implementing the latest technological tools, you can be sure to avoid con artists and be secure in knowing that you have excellent long-term tenants who will pay on time every month. The expert property managers at DKRentals.net know what to watch for, and work hard to ensure that our clients have the best tenants in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact us today to find out how our property management services can help your real estate business.

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